{ frolic in the sun }

ohmygod, it reeks of desperation in here
You know when you’re a kid and you play that superpower game, the one where you try to figure out which power you’d like to have? I wanted to be able to overhear conversations from afar so that I could know what the boys were saying about me (because lord knows they weren’t saying anything good to my face). Looking back, I was never really committed to that power, and sort of defaulted it the way some women autopilot Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt/George Clooney as the Epitome of Man Sexy. If I could have a “super power” today I think it would be to make people love me. Sure, I know what you’re thinking but seriously, imagine it. Think of all the energy you’d save if you could just make men fall in love with you. No more short skirts, self-doubt, mind games, awkward first conversations. No more analyzing the most obvious of statements. To be one hundred percent sure that “We should get something to eat” is neither his attempt at facetious nor an invitation for marriage, and does in fact only mean that he’s hungry and wants to get something to eat and would really like it if you could maybe join him.
posted @ 9:10 PM

In A While
A lot has happened in the year since I've written here. I went on vacation alone. I changed employers thrice and now find myself in a circle I never knew had an entrance. I went from "powerful" and "chunky" to "tall and thin". I discovered good music (Seriously, I wish more people would ask me what I'm listening to so I could share). I finally fell out of love with someone I now realize barely even liked me. I helped someone get married. I got to know myself better and love myself more. I've become more obnoxious (as evidenced by this entry).

The year treated me well. I've been happy.

I need to remember that.
posted @ 8:44 PM



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